[MRSSA News] Proposed Rule Change

dnemec at comcast.net dnemec at comcast.net
Wed Sep 29 21:58:46 CDT 2004

After much discussion, the Midwest Regional Board unamiously approved the following proposed rule change regarding the NSSA Towboat Driver Testing Requirement. We propose...

"Each team shall have a minimum of 50% of all of its drivers NSSA Towboat Driver Tested at all sanctioned events."

We feel that the current rule is too strict.  Our recommendation enables reasonable compliance and teams are encouraged to get more of their drivers tested.  But, it does not make the requirement so strict that events will need to be cancelled or severely limited.  For example, we do not want to put a small team in a situation that they can not do a 2 boat show because one of the tested drivers has to go to a wedding.  The team would need to either need to scratch a boat or make a decision to risk not having insurance because the subsitute driver has not been able to be tested by one of the approved testers... In additition, if we require 100%, it also opens things up for lawsuits because it is so difficult to be 100% compliant all of the time.  If the rules are too strict we will hurt the sport.

Thank you for your consideration,
Dave Nemec
MRSSA President
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