[MRSSA News] Re: Regional Tournament - Individual Competition Running Order

Arch1man at aol.com Arch1man at aol.com
Tue Jul 19 01:18:19 CDT 2005

Thank you, Kristi for getting this note out.
In 2004, there were 9 teams entered in the MWR This year has 11 teams  
entered! A good problem to have!! 
But that means an extra three hours of skiing, set up, and tear down  during 
the Saturday and Sunday tournament. The judges I have communicated with  have 
encouraged me to request an earlier start time for Swivel on Saturday. 
The proposed schedule is:
1)     7:00 AM  Swivel  Competition       (this is the  requested change).
2)     Ski Team Competitions (6 teams)
3)    Team Jump Competition
1)    Ski Team Competitions (5 teams)
2)    Doubles Competition
3)    Awards
In view of the desire to get the specific team schedule out to the  teams as 
soon as possible, if there are no serious objections we be allowed to  proceed 
as proposed. If there are no objections we will send out schedules by  email 
Tuesday night.  Thank you in advance. 
Bob Manning
2005 MWR Tournament Director
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