[MRSSA News] 501C3

Mike Johnson MJohnson at abg-mn.com
Mon May 17 14:01:27 CDT 2004

Hello everyone

I have a question for you...

Does any club require volunteer hours or  service as part of membership
to the club?  What was the consequence if they didn't participant?
If yes, does your club have 501C3 status?
If yes, how did you word it so that it didn't send up red flags on your

Currently we are trying to get our 501C3 status.  They told us that we
couldn't require hours of service with a payment for not participating
as part of the dues.  In our example "First skiing member of the family
needs to either put in 24 hours of Dock and Lift time or pay $300."

So I was wondering if other clubs just live with the 80/20 rule or if
they had something else that you did.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You
Mike Johnson

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