[MRSSA News] Stolen Equipment

Kristi Skillings kristi.skillings at skiotter.com
Fri Oct 17 18:07:29 CDT 2008

I'm putting a call out to all teams . . . 

Our Jr Team equipment trailer (2001 Roadmaster - 6 1/2' x 11' aluminum, 
white, cargo trailer) was stolen.

The equipment in this trailer is mostly kids skis, Lake Elmo show boards, 
old Cypress show boards, lots of ropes (pyramid to - several were just 
bought last year), a wakeboard, kneeboard, Classic Swivel ski, etc.

The average person would not know what to do with most the stuff.
But - if there's a chance that someone who stole the trailer is a show 
skier - they may try to sell some equipment to other teams.

Please keep your eyes and ears open.
Our trailer and equipment was not insured - and this is a huge set back 
for our Jr Team.

Please pass this along to any other show teams that you might have contact 
info for.

Please contact Kristi Skillings if you have any info at all (651-773-3367)

Thanks for any Help!!!

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