[MRSSA News] Midwest Regional Tournament - Waiver Update

mark at planetbortz.com mark at planetbortz.com
Tue Jul 8 10:21:28 CDT 2008


I have a clarification to make about the waiver that was included in
the tournament packet.

The waivers do not have to be completed and turned in at the tournament
UNLESS the skier has not previously completed a waiver when they signed
up with USA Water Ski.  If the skier joins USAWS via the USAWS website
they complete the waiver during the online signup.  If they competed a
paperform the waiver should have been completed at that time.

It is the TEAMs responsibility to make sure that USAWS has a signed
waiver.  If an indivudual is listed on the teams roster that person must
have completed a waiver.

So waivers do not need to be turned in with your paper work at
registration UNLESS the skier has not completed a waiver prior to the

So to reiterate- If a skier is on your team roster they must have
completed a waiver and turned it in to USAWS.

Please contact myself (mark at planetbortz.com) or Larry Meany
(MeanyLarryD at Waterloo.deere.com) if you have further questions on the



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