[MRSSA News] FW: from Chinese Waterski Association

Larry Meany ldmeany at waterhawks.org
Wed Mar 7 18:25:35 CST 2007




From: Michael Hanson [mailto:mhanson547 at verizon.net] 

Hello everyone;

Please find the forwarded email from Mr. Zhu zhi na of the Chinese Waterski
Association. They are looking for a USA team to come and ski with them at
their “Labor Day”. Please get this out to all your clubs from your regions
for them to be able to make a bid. Mr. zhi na email address is
<mailto:cnwaterski at yahoo.com.cn> cnwaterski at yahoo.com.cn I would expect you
all to do this in a timely manner so that your clubs will all have a fair
chance at looking at this. If you have any questions please contact me. I
have informed Mr. zhi na that I would be contacting all of you.




From: 国 中 [mailto:cnwaterski at yahoo.com.cn] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2007 1:43 AM
To: Hanson Michael; Schraft Sherm
Subject: from Chinese Waterski Association


Dear Mr. Hanson and Mr. Schraft,

Happy the new spring!

I get your email address from Mr. Cam McNeil the former president of NSSA.

I work in the Chinese Waterski Association. We have made many successful
copperations before. I hope we can continue the copperation with the new
leader of NSSA.

First of all, please allow me say hello to both of you and give the regards
from our president and general secretary.

Then I want to tell you that this year we still have the plan to hold
Sino-America waterski show in China during the "Labor Day". And we hope that
you can recommend a team. The details for the copperation is sent as an
attachment. Please check it.If there is any problem please tell us.

Waiting for your reply!


Best wishes


Zhu zhi na






 <http://cn.mail.yahoo.com/> 雅虎免费邮箱-3.5G容量,20M附件 

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