Larry Meany ldmeany at waterhawks.org
Thu Feb 8 22:15:29 CST 2007




From: Michael Hanson [mailto:mhanson547 at verizon.net] 
Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2007 9:30 PM
To: 'Brint Burrill'; 'Bruce Berg'; 'Bud Ruhl'; 'Cam McNeill'; 'Cathy
Luiting'; 'Chris Copeland'; 'Donna Jenkins'; 'Doug Schwenk'; 'Hans
Hauschild'; 'Jim Boland'; 'Kevin Hayes'; 'Kurt Bemman'; 'Larry Meany'; 'Mark
Neuberger'; 'Mark Polus'; 'Roger Olson'; 'Skip Gilkerson'
Subject: FW: KDF
Importance: High


Hello Everyone;

I am passing this along to all region reps and alternates to disseminate the
information your clubs to have a chance to bid on this event if they choose
too. I would hope that you would get this to them as fast as you can, as you
can see from the email you need to contact Brady Yordy for further
information and the correct person to contact for bidding.




From: Brad Yordy [mailto:byordy at usawaterski.org] 
Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2007 6:17 PM
To: mhanson547 at verizon.net
Subject: FW: KDF




Here is the information on the Kentucky Derby: 


The Kentucky Derby Festival is one of the premiere events of its kind in the
world. It brings fun, excitement, international recognition and a spirit
that is unmatched anywhere." There are currently 70 special events
entertaining 1.5 million people annually and millions more on-line! The
Festival blasts off each April with our Opening Ceremonies - Thunder Over
Louisville, now the nation's largest annual fireworks extravaganza! The
ensuing two weeks of excitement and entertainment promises something for


The USA Water Ski Show would take place Wednesday, May 2, 2007 on the Ohio
River in downtown Louisville. It would precede the famous Great Steamboat
Race. Hundreds of thousands of people line the water front on both the
Indiana and Kentucky side of the river to catch the boats during the race. 


Here is the link to the Great Steamboat Race.



Mike this is a huge opportunity for our organization, and once again, we are
looking for clubs who would be interested in participating. 


Please have them contact me via email: byordy at usawaterski.org or
863-324-4341 ex 119.


Thanks and have a great night 



Brad Yordy

Assistant Director of Competition 


USA Water Ski
1251 Holy Cow Road
Polk City, FL 33868-8200
(800) 533-2972 or (863) 324-4341, Ext. 119
(863) 325-8259 fax


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